I genuinely don't understand how people can deal with the 40-hour work week, I really want to just give up

Just a few years ago I had a 4-hour a day commute and felt the same way. I work from home now and still feel this way. I've been around for a while and this usually happens when my job is too stressful or I have peaked in terms of my knowledge level in the position. I've been laid off from a job, sitting on my butt at home and felt the same kind of feelings for no good reason.

The timing of this makes me think you may be going through some seasonal depression. You can shake this off a bit by using a light therapy light, taking vitamin d, and doing some exercise. I do these things and they do help me. A 365 day supply of vitamin d is ten bucks on Amazon. Make excuses to be outside, get sun, and shake up your routine. Get on a regular sleep routine if you aren't on one now. Do nice things for yourself, like make your own bed every morning. Treat yourself well and other people will too.

People are telling you to move, but I move quite a bit due to my spouses work, and this has not helped me. You will get time back but you would have to commit to some meaningful change for it to matter. It sounds like the carpool is creating its own stress. Think about driving to work on your own a few days a week. Listen to podcasts or audio books or something and spend some time with yourself. You are with people at work, at home, and in the car. That's not good. Give yourself some time to yourself.

What I recommend most is to shift the focus away from work. Give yourself something to look forward to. Plan a vacation or take a class. Go to a regular trivia night. Something you are working towards that is more immediate.

Your job is not you.

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