Geographical Ladder Leaping (Lean to Big Daddy Fat?)

(Elaborating on what you're saying u/Soylent_Green_Food)

I hate how returning home after 5 years living in a foreign country is often considered a failure in this community. That sounds like a great life experience, but I understand many people doing that have a lot of wonky expectations and think they'll have everything they have in the US, plus servants and a place on the beach, all for half the price. So proper expectations is key.

One of the best ways to beat sequence of returns risks is to drop your expenses heavily during the first 5 years of retirement. And living abroad can do that. You get a lot of amazing experiences for cheap.

But certainly living the rest of your life in a foreign country is not fit for everyone. The older we are the more we may crave familiarity and comforts that we grew up with.

The best plan is to save enough money for a basic western retirement (lets say $4k/mo), when you hit your FIRE number, settle into slow travel or a developing nation (say $2k/mo). You reset your expectations in life and see how that goes.

After 5 years, re-evaluate. If you love it, stay. And know that you can return to your familiar lifestyle. Or you hate it and leave.

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