George Bush found the loophole to redeem himself from the left

I truly never thought I'd see the days these complete phony pieces of shit are on the same side and even praising bush. It shows how weak their morals are. Look at the left, they all hate each other, they are constantly arguing between themselves, their lives are full of rage and sadness and bitterness, they CAN'T MEME FOR SHIT, their actions consistently push voters into the God emperors arms yet the continue to do it even knowing this, their false flag attempts, such as that tiki march are instantly spotted as complete fabrication, their celebrities and sports personalities are literally hated world wide, hillary is hated worldwide, the democrat party is literally in shambles... And we are having a blast literally everyday, the brotherhood (and sisterhood) is beautiful, the experiences and advice and positivity everyone shares here is inspiring, pedes, we are going to win this thing. They forget who the heart of the West is, the nuclear American family unit, workers nationwide and a youth that has woken up to the bullshit narrative, who are by large conservatives, this is why these factors are constantly attacked and hated by mainstream media. This movement, and it is a movement, is the best thing I have ever felt part of and accepted by. I love each and everyone of you. MAGA

/r/The_Donald Thread Link -