George Stinney, JR. Executed by the United States for crime he didn't commit at the age of 14

And the rest of the United States would actually lose a shooting war with the "Confederates" today. There's a lot of guns in this country, and they sure as shit aren't in Blue counties. On top of that the vast majority of Combat Arms soldiers / marines come from the south and west. These aren't paper pushers you see in commercials saying "Im A VeTeRAn AnD I sUpPoRt GuN CoNtRoL!" These are the psycopaths I served with that are itching for a fight and would love for someone to give them one. On top of that, the vast majority of the south isn't racist like you believe anymore. I don't know a single person alive today that hates someone just for the way they look. I DO know people that hate the way people act though.

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