Georgia congressman refuses to read Mueller report because he no longer trusts investigations

Hey! I’m was a D avg high schooler...

I was just anti-homework, because I felt like the fact that I was passing all of my tests with a 95% avg that homework was useless “busy work”.

I graduated by testing out my missing credits via a GED (Originally planned to just get a GED so I could move out and start working, but upon finishing it, I was told it completed my missing credits and got both a GED and a High School Diploma)

However I’m 110% anti-Trump, so your example isn’t entirely accurate.

I also “dicked around” in class by reading books instead. Most of the teachers were the type who’d put 20 pages or so and 2 chapter summary on the whiteboard and have us read the text book and turn in the summary tests at the end of class. Basically a body to fill a seat to make sure we didn’t do anything that’d be a liability to the school.

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