Georgia lawmaker: Can people with HIV be 'legally' quarantined?

I think its messed up that you think some war is justified yet dont see an attack inside ones self as a threat. Guess you've never been a murdered pregnant woman. Guess you have never been in a domestic violence situation or been asked to withhold cancer treatment for something the size of a bug. Guess youve never been 10 and pregnant by your father or too poor to properly nourish your kids you do have. Guess you never had a sperm get past the pill and a condom. Guess you have never been a heroin addicted hooker or a woman pregnant with 14 fetuses. Guess you never had a pregnancy die on you. Guess you never needed one yourself so you know what is best for everyone else. You sound as if you are a 17 year old blonde girl with bubble gum in her mouth when you talk with no real world experience to back you up. Women get abortions like animals eat through their own leg to free themselves of a trap.

Treating it like its something women do after getting pizza and their nails done with their bestie is disrespectful to the pain and suffering these women go through that are forced to process the death of their own child. These women have a really hard choice to make and many times they make these decisions in horrible circumstances.

I called for my abortion from my domestic violence shelter. Because my kids dad had taken a hammer to my phone and stolen my car. I was incredibly brused on my entire body from him kicking to death my unborn child.

Maybe just get out of others business with your stupid ass opinions. Nobody asked you. Its not theoretical bullshit for some of us like your imaginary circumstances like justifiable war.

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