Georgia Senate race reminds Republicans they don't have a lock on 'God talk'

I used to think people having religion was fine too. This year, though, I've started to rethink my position. It seems to me now that the initial planting of the seed of 'faith' - the instruction to a child to believe something they can't see, hear or prove without question - might be a problem, especially in this day and age. The willingness of grown, educated adults to believe utter nonsense in the form of conspiracy theories and hoaxes and fads, and deny scientific facts that are clear as day, and defend their erroneous beliefs to the death, is scarily reminiscent of 'faith'. The childlike assumption that if you believe in something hard enough it will be so, facts and science and logic be damned. Maybe it's time we started teaching kids that they need to question everything, and insist on taking everything with a grain of salt until it has been proven to be true. Religion has long outlived its usefulness, and has been the cause of far too much violence and suffering. I say the world has had enough of it. People will always be shitty to each other, but we can give them one less excuse to do it.

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