German leisure centre becomes the first to ban all migrants after a schoolgirl was sexually assaulted in a public swimming pool by Syrian teenagers

I wonder if there is something to that. We've all heard the random stories of people coming to the United States for the 1st time expecting women to be "easy" like in the movies. If these immigrants are under the impression that women with exposed skin are prostitutes, or even just sluts, it would make a little more sense of this whole issue.

Every woman they've known since birth dressed in a towel, showing only a tiny bit of face. Showing an entire cheek would get a person labeled a slut; making the tiniest bit of ear cleavage equivalent to topless.

Look at Western culture in the early 1900's. Women were shamed for exposing their ankles. We spent the last 100 years getting used to the amount of skin women show in public today. These immigrants are submerged in a totally opposite culture overnight.

I'm by no means attempting to justify this behavior, only to understand it. Even a prostitute doesn't "deserve to be raped" or even molested for that matter. But I can at least wrap my head around the situation if this is the case. I can see a small percentage of the population thinking these women are looking for this "attention". 

It's the same attitude when a western guy gets too frisky with a stripper. These men think that b/c a woman turns them on, they are justified to satisfy their desires on the grounds that: A) She is not of an equal class -  "She's showing me her naked body for money, therefore she's a whore and I can do what I want." B) Her desires = his desires - "She dressed like a slut, so she must want me to rape her"

In order to stop these attacks, the rights of refugee women need to be upheld. When these refugee men view women of there own culture equal to pigs, does it surprise you that their children grow up with no respect for women?

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