German Old Books - Need help identifying them

I have identified the books in the first part:

  1. book: image 1ff. German: Rabindranath Tagore - Der König der dunklen Kammer English: Rabindranath Tagore - The King of the Dark Chamber

printed 1922, not the first edition

  1. book: image 5ff. German: Will Vesper - Das Mutterbüchlein English: Will Vesper - Diminutive of "The Mother Book"

printed 1928, first edition

  1. book: image 10ff. German: K. E. Georges - Lateinisch-Deutsches Schulwörterbuch English: K. E. Georges - Latin-German School Dictionary

printed 1918, thirteenth edition

  1. book: image 13ff. German: Charles de Coster - Flämische Mären English: Charles de Coster - Flemish Tales

  2. book: image 19ff. German: Friedrich Gundolf - Shakespeare und der deutsche Geist English: Friedrich Gundolf - Shakespeare and the German Mind

printed 1920, fourth edition

  1. book: image 23ff. German: Ernst Hartung (editor) - Alles um Liebe. Goethes Briefe English: Ernst Hartung (editior) - Everything about Love. Goethe's Letters

  2. book: image 30ff. German: Hans Christian Andersen - Ein Bilderbuch ohne Bilder English: Hans Christian Andersen - A Picture Book without Pictures

printed 1917, not the first edition

  1. book: image 35 ff. German: Adelbert von Chamisso - Gedichte English: Adelbert von Chamisso - Poems

  2. book: image 40ff. German: Stefan George - Shakespeare Sonnette. Umdichtungen English: Stefan George - Shakespeare's sonnets. Paraphrases (?)

printed 1920, third edition

  1. book: image 33ff. German: Björnstjere Björnson - Kleine Erzählungen English: Björnstjere Björnson - Short stories

  2. book: image 38ff. German: Richard v. Volkmann-Leander - Träumereien an französischen Kaminen English: Richard v. Volkmann-Leander - Reveries at French chimneys

  3. book: image 42ff. German: E. T. A. Hoffmann - Musikalische Novellen English: E. T. A. Hoffmann - Musical novellas

  4. book: image 46ff. German: Joseph Victor von Scheffel - Wohlauf, die Luft geht frisch und rein. Wanderlieder English: Joseph Victor von Scheffel - Arise, the air is fresh and clear. Hiking songs

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