Germany Blocks its Largest Telecom Company From Violating Net Neutrality: Regulators are protecting net neutrality after Telekom—which owns T-Mobile—began prioritizing content.

Well, that's weird to hear, since here in Romania, despite Telekom having (imo) the best services, their personnel also sucks the most.

I had to call tech support three times this last month, and the fastest they were able to pick up my call was 8 1/2 minutes. Last time I called (yesterday) I hung up after 20 minutes because the problem solved itself anyway. Not to mention, one of these three times I called, I had to make an appointment with their tech team. They could only make an appointment for 4 days later (at the moment I was calling my internet was down for unknown reasons and I absolutely needed it for work). They couldn't even give me a timeframe for when to expect them ( had to take the whole Monday off to wait for them). The icing on the cake? They never came Monday at all, then proceeded to call me all day Tuesday while I was at work and couldn't pick up.

tl;dr : Telekom Romania. Great services, terrible personnel.

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