Germany Concerned about Aggressive NATO Stance on Ukraine

Get out of Europe.

You are not wanted here.

Get off your stupid fucking high horse, the world isn't black and white, the EU isn't sacred, the US isn't evil, and for that matter neither is Russia or anyone else. This crisis in Ukraine happened because everyone involved acted like a fucking moron, not soley because the US funded some civil society orgs in Kiyv.

This is the relativistic crap US apologists love to write.

The world is too complex for them to understand so they actually believe the simplistic crap they came up with is so complex. This is some sort of Dunning Kruger effect, I guess. They believe that their overly simplistic and indoctrinated views are the "complicated" ones and think that the more complex and nuanced views of others are the simple ones. It's pretty weird, actually.

This crisis in Ukraine happened because everyone involved acted like a fucking moron, not soley because the US funded some civil society orgs in Kiyv.

Congratulations on figuring that out. So, why do I get downvoted for pointing out that it isn't all Russia's fault?

In the meantime we will focus on the fact that the US is involved where it shouldn't be.

We will also focus on the fact that US has a history of ruining nations as part of the great game and it's anti-Russian crusade.

We will also focus on the fact that the only party actually retaining a positive cost/benefit ratio in this conflict is the US.

We will focus on the fact that Russia should be expected to act exactly the way it did in face of US behaviour. We will focus on the fact that it would have been incredibly dumb for Russia to act any other way and the fact that everyone else would have acted the same in Russia's place. Do you seriously believe that the US would have acted less aggressively than Russia if the situation were reversed?

The problem is that Russia's behaviour is perfectly internally reasonable and that it was provoked to a large degree by a country that shouldn't have its fingers in the region to begin with. A country with a history of leading anti-Russian wars as part of the great game, sometimes even completely unjustifiably (e.g. Iraq).

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