Germany to pay convicted gays 30 million euro: to compensate more than 50,000 men who were jailed for their sexual orientation under a historic law

It's also not similar because homosexuality doesn't appear to have a direct genetic component.

That is just. Plain. Not. True.
Even if you're trying to emphasize "no direct" genetic component, your premise seems to downplay it, as if everyone has come to some reasonable agreement that genes are uncorrelated with the wiring of sexuality.
The truth is, geneticists are mostly in agreement with biologists that although there may not be one single gene which turns partner orientation on or off, there are several genetic and epigenetic markers in our DNA , even in the spaces between our genes that, help express genes which act to make people more sexually fluid. We also know they interplay with in utero hormones and postpartum environment to permanently alter brain physiology and increase/decrease the likelihood of someone being LGB or even T.
Just because it isn't completely understood and involves multiple factors doesn't mean there a direct genetic component. More importantly, the fact is that it doesn't matter anyhow because gays have the same amount of control over their identity as any other minority.

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