Germany's Angela Merkel Gets Fourth Term After Social Democrats Approve Coalition

Come on you can't try to argue that the AfD is not xenophobic. Mandec called Obama a "Quoteneger",

Gauland quoted the band "Gigi und die Braunen Stadtmusikanten" (Heute sind wir tolerant und morgen fremd im eigenen Land) and claimed that people don't want to live next to Jerome Boateng and also said that he thinks our national Team is not really "German" enough, he also wanted to "entsorgen" (dispose) german parliament member Aydan Özoguz in turkey, because of her turkish roots,

Peter Boehringer called forgeiners " Schmarotzer und Parasiten"(Freeloaders and parasites) and also warned against "Vermischung" (mixing of races)

The list goes on and on, one of the last bigger wants was some members the AfD calling for the deportation of Green party leader Cem Özdemir, who seemed more than just a bit agitated. If your party constantly says xenophobic things, than it is a xenophobic party.

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