Germany's anti-Islam PEGIDA movement took nearly 10 percent of the vote in mayoral elections in its eastern stronghold of Dresden

I say the problem is a lack of knowledge of were these people are coming from more then just 'all muslims are bad'. People from the shit end of Pakistan, especially the Afghan border regions, that end up moving to the UK are probably the most orthodox backward people to ever grace the european lands in the last 300 years.

Allowing these people to enter is detrimental to the society as a hole. They do not know how to live in open societies and are generally very tribalistic. This is made worst when combined with the fact that they end up ghettoizing themselves in closed conclaves. Mainly because the government stupidly allows them. Which persist the orthodox paki culture to a new british born generation, simply because they never get exposed to actual british culture. This leads to such children growing up feeling separate, and to an extend not actually, part of the british identity.

These factors, although not always the case because some actually do become full on brits, are generally the reason muslim families in the UK become the way they are. Thats only in the areas I studied, I can't say about anywhere else in the UK.

For the continent as a whole, the problem is mostly people thinking its more bad then it is, yet the same does exist. I say this because not a lot of muslims are moving to the continent, when compared to the UK. Yet, some people on the continent that come from muslim backgrounds do end up not feeling european and might never be. They feel like their tribe is islam and that europe is a waiting platform for the rest of islam to take, current occupants be damned.

In regards to African immigrants, especially of the Christian kind, its really just backwardness. In less, and france is an example of this, then one generation it goes away and they become fully European. I just wish people didn't treat them like slave labor. I'm talking about you Italy and Spain.

The same for Indians, although its more easy for them because India is so multicultural that they have no problem becoming part of another culture.

Even so, I still feel a bit weird about Europe losing its different cultural hegemonies. I don't think at the end of the day that the cultures that formed europe can take so much outside influence. Especially with the changes in population. All this mixed of new people on the continent will change the culture beyond recognition. If they can keep the culture and the new people too, then great. But I don't think things are that easy.

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