*Gestures at the sign*

I agree, but I don't believe being gay itself is a sin. The general Sin would be from any sexual act that denies the possibility of producing children, especially with anyone who's not your spouse. Typically in matters where you put the needs of the flesh over the needs of the soul, you're mostly betraying yourself. I would love for Jesus to be here and give us answers on the matter, but all we have are statements made by men who were dedicated followers of Jesus's word hundreds of years after him.

I believe roman orgies and things of that matter were often associated with mixed sexual acts as well as adultery (any sexual act not with a spouse) and going to an orgy with strangers is pretty much the opposite of what we're expected to practice.

Studies have shown the extreme majority of individuals that are gay are born that way. Their sincere emotions that they have are legitimate. Imagine loving your spouse and wanting a family with them and being told god shuns you for it. I don't believe that to be true in the slightest. The matter of putting the needs of the flesh over the needs of the soul are where the challenges lie. If a sexually-divergent couple, (I use this for lack of better words, and identify with it since I am neurodivergent) are life-long devout to one another, love their neighbors, adopt children who need a loving home, do acts of service for society and have made themselves right in their hearts and souls, I pray they're getting into heaven.

The words spoken by Jesus sit well in my heart, mind and soul, but our conclusion as a faith that we've come to on matters involving the sexually-divergent, I think we associate them with the sexual acts themselves and not on the bigger picture of the lives of our neighbors, which I think has caused us to miss the mark.

None of us have the answers to any of this, and we won't until judgement day, but yes, if sexually-divergent people do repent for sins they have committed (they're the same sins that the majority of sexually-typical Catholics have committed), and they have the love of God in their hearts, I do feel in my heart that they're going to heaven.

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