Go get'em, boys!

I don’t get the “buffer lane” we still had ass hats that don’t “move over” and hit cops on the side of the road....I also live down here. Many of the schools are off big roads. Another factor is the bus can not turn around on dead end side streets so a simple stop to pick them up is often safer. These aren’t interstates the kids are on but in town busy roads with 40-45 mph speed limits not 70mph. If you can stop for a red light you can stop for a bus it’s not like they just slam on the breaks, often they put the blinking lights on what the hell is so hard about this?? I’m guessing a ton of 16-25 year old drivers on here? If you can’t come to a stop without being rear ended or rear ending another car please don’t drive.

/r/ConvenientCop Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it