I am a huge fan of overwatch. Even have an OW tattoo but I have been playing less and less.

The state of the game (at the moment) is the most un fun (IMO) it has ever been.

My entire team religiously played daily for the last several weeks (I’m talking a good 4-10 hours per day) but I personally couldn’t take it anymore. Everyone was just always angry. Even when we were winning the game was just taking a toll on us where we even made a meme called “fun check” to remind ourselves it’s just a game and to see if we were actually having fun while playing.

I’d often reply “No.” to 80% of the fun checks lmao

Honestly, the game is just not that fun right now. But hopefully it will get better. I feel like all of the heroes need to be massively looked at. Small buffs and nerfs and other slight changes seem to be happening on a damn near weekly basis. Too many changes to keep up with. Beloved characters are being nerfed into oblivion over and over and over.

I’m finally over it and I’ve been playing other things. Hopefully it becomes a better game with future patches

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