Getting banned for "hate speech" because I called a white guy racist after calling me and my teammate "raping ass N-words" and telling us "we live in an ugly house with no money" all because he pushed solo and died without following his teammates, tf?

Yeah, ignore PorknCheesee, he is clearly a racist white dude who is too up his own ass (and busy editing). Imagine being so coddled and separate from the issues of the world that you think "whitey" is "very racist". Sorry, it's not very racist, it's like micro-racist at best and I'm being generous.

It's clear by his original, unedited post that he's ignorant and his logic is shakey at best. I'm trying to imagine being so tone-deaf that you think it's okay to call all of your black friends the N word with a hard R, but not okay to verbally insult a big racist back with the word "whitey". Dumbass, our idiot, racist ancestors were fucking lynching black people while calling them the N word. How many fucking times do you think that happened to a white person while they were being called whitey?

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