Getting drunk in a public setting is downright stupid.

Yeah I agree, but when i think of victim blaming i think of the scenario where the girl is wearing a cute tight, maybe a little revealing, outfit and gets raped then people say "well why'd you dress like that" and that's bullshit because if a girl wants to wear that coz it makes her feel cute then she should be allowed to without being attacked by every guy she encounters that night. But when alcohol is involved I feel a lot of the blame is put the wrong people. Like if I had gotten mugged one night when i was blacked out and someone said "well you shouldn't have been that drunk" I'd have to agree with them. Yeah sure that person shouldn't have robbed me but at the same time if I was a little more sober I'd probably have been a bit more aware of my surroundings. I also hate hearing about drunken sexual assaults when both parties were drunk. If the law states "you can't give consent when you're drunk" then wouldnt the two have sexually assaulted eachother? But no. It's always the guy's fault. And i am not saying there aren't times when the girl actually got taken advantage of which is 100% wrong and shouldn't happen but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a instance, let's say a guy and his girlfriend went out, got drunk, came home and had sex. The next morning they get into a huge fight and the girl says he raped her coz she was drunk and couldn't legally consent. The guy just became a sex offender even though they were both drunk... that shits messed up too

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