Getting exhausted from breaking up all the time.

Oh that is weird, if my ex would have let me be when I said that I was sick or pensive that would have been enough. And I don’t need to be alone physically- I can be right next to you reading a book. I go inside my mind and get lost there. Lol

What would happen was that he always expected something- if I turned to the left because it was more comfortable I’d be asked why am I being distant. If I did not answer a text or call right away - even due to work- he’d assume I was distant and changing.

He’d assume I was angry or upset or aggravated w him if my tone changed or if my body language changed. Like, he could not grasp I had feelings and thoughts outside of him. And even if I said I was not feeling uoset w him- he’d say I was and I was being dishonest.

Needed constant attention, validation, reassurance

/r/datingoverthirty Thread Parent