Getting hard camped in lane. What do?

My rule of thumb when camp fucked as Mid. (Which I never follow if I am tilted)

  • If you die once to a jungle gank and no one has died to one yet. You are the one who will get camped. So play like a coward (Buy defensive items, wave control techniques to keep the wave on your side or just waiting for the wave).

  • If you see the jungler go for another lane and is successful. You still play like a coward but as your laner farms your lane or attempts to zone you from CS. Ward the side that isn't being camped.

  • If you see the jungler go for another lane and is unsuccessful. You still play like a coward because you are the one who will be camped most likely. I always ward the Raptor pit if the jungler is one who can come behind me.

  • NEVER DEMAND GANKS. If the enemy jungler matches he is gonna put your jungler behind.

  • If your jungler ganks your lane. GO THE FUCK IN. Fuck your 6 CS at tower, get your jungler ahead or even yourself ahead.

  • If your laner shoves in lane but then recalls. Clear the wave. and ward the lane on his side. When he comes back before you after you recall. He will 100% roam after he shoves. This ward will allow you to find out which way he goes so you can spam ! on the lane he is going to.

Things you should not do:

  • Do not waste any mental on your dumbass jungle who invades and pings you when he asks why you didn't match. Not your fault.

  • Do not keep trading, wait for mistakes.

  • Stop fucking building glass cannon

  • Stop shoving

  • Pray to God someone can carry.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread