Getting a Mirena IUD put in tomorrow, I'm a little nervous and would like to hear some of your positive experiences with IUDs

I’ve only had my Mirena for about 2 weeks. I’ll be honest and say that insertion was extremely painful for me. I immediately started crying and the nurse was holding my hand so tight. But every body is different so it’s likely it’ll be smooth sailing for you.

I still have cramping and bleeding, but ibuprofen and a rubber hot water bottle have been life savers. Emotionally/psychologically I feel the same, but now I don’t worry about getting pregnant lol

I wouldn’t stress too much about weight gain, acne, etc. It seems pretty rare and might not be as dramatic as it seems. Worse comes to worst, you can have it removed if you don’t like it. That’s the beauty of IUDs and any LARC birth control :)) Good luck!

/r/birthcontrol Thread