'It's getting out of hand': FSIN chief calls for tougher hate speech laws - Saskatoon

Right. So your ignoring the ramifications of everything from police failures with murdered women, unsettled land claims, pipelines being rammed through our land with no consent, proven discrimination through hiring practices, Starlight tours, constant surveillance in stores, etc.

One, I was not alive to do anything about almost anything you mention at the time. Two, of the things that I was alive to do anything about, I was too young to do anything about other than read about it and ask my teachers, why? Three, a few of those things are things that you are all very entitled about and need to shut the fuck up about. Canada isn't your land. It's everyone's, you just live here. Why? Because you can't make it otherwise. Four, murdered women is a terrible thing, but to act like it's my fault is worse than me making accusations that you all should be trying harder to keep your idiots in check. I implore civility through words you don't like. You blame me for things I have no power over. Good job.

Implore civility? That's a joke. But you're totally right, and I'll tell you what: You keep your trigger happy murdering assholes in check and I'll magically keep a generation under control.

Yeah, about that...you know we didn't sign them willingly right? It was forced on us, forced us into a reserve system, outlawed our culture, stole our children, murdered our children, etc.

Um... don't know what they have been teaching you in history class, but that isn't how things went down. The residential schools totally were a crock of shit, I won't argue that, but the current reserve's system and the treaty cards is something you all totally signed up for back in the day. You had every capability to not sign it, but you did, and here we are.

It was that or death. Lots of choice. We were forced on reserves before the signings genius and starved into it.

yet again, you insult me because you have no actual knowledge to use against me. Good job.

"The treaties were a totally peaceful process!" Missed that one in class.

You just stood by and watched is all, even when doctors were whistle blowing about the residential schools the Canadian people bravely took a stance just like you and determined we were less than human and that it didn't matter to them.

Again, I was not able to do a thing for you. I apologize, as if I had any way of doing anything I would have put a stop to it in any way I could have right away. But alas I was but a wee lad and not able to do a thing for you and others. Yet I stood by and watched did I?

Even if you could have done anything, I doubt someone like you actually would with your seething hatred for us.

And I was talking about white Canada. Y'all aren't blameless and as you've painted all of us in one stroke, back at you. Reap the rewards.

Well, I suppose you could say I did, as I couldn't do a damn thing, but it's not like I knew what was going on to begin with. Kind of how life works like that... the innocent are kept oblivious. Yet you have the audacity to blame me for something I could do nothing about. I blame you all for being enablers of your societies worst, and yet you blame me for not being able to do anything. You're just a special one, aren't you?

Almost as special as you for thinking our societies are actually seperate instead of the reality. You said it yourself, Canada is ours, you live here too, and you're enabling just as much as the rest of us either through action or inaction.

Overall my life is pretty great, good job, hot spanish wife, beautiful children, fantastic siblings. Nothing to complain about here. What makes you think my life sucks?

Well seeing as how you feel the need to lie over the internet, that's a pretty good start. I would imagine you are probably living in a condo suite, your mom's basement, or in a trailer park. Biggest chances on the last two, unless you are just a misguided but well to do person, in which case you are more likely to be in the condo suite, or maybe a duplex.

Misguided? That's pretty presumptuous of you to automatically assume your perspective has more value or weight over anyone else's.

And lie? Explain this one?

Im glad you have beautiful kids, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder... So your assessment of your kids looks doesn't really say much. Just means you are a decent parent maybe. But again, you are on the internet and people lie when they get insulting. Usually a combo they use to try to get the upper hand...

Jackass, my kids are beautiful people. Not black hearted souls like you. Although, yes, they look good too.

Fantastic siblings. Cool, glad to hear it. I wish I could say the same of a couple of mine, but we can't all be perfect, right? Not like you.

Maybe they just know you're a complete arrogant, presumptuous, racist asshole?

Which is why your life probably sucks. Look at how hard you tried to convince me of the otherwise.

How hard? Lol dude, it was a three comma sentence. I put more effort into scratching my nuts. And you were the one making blanket statements about the indigenous having shitty lives, I was politely informing you, like a great many assumptions you've made about Aboriginal people, you're flat out fucking wrong.

I don't have to convince anyone my life is great, because it is.

Enjoy your life, which ever version might be true.

Already am. Btw did you switch to an alternative user? It's like I'm talking with 2 people here.

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