Getting out of the low tier dota trench.



This guy is 2k mmr and is telling 2k players what they want to hear.

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4:55 He says "OD is relatively simple, offers a lot including AoE damage and solid disables" -----> WTF IS HE SAYING HOW DUMB IS THAT?!?!?!

He still thinks that mid is a "ganker" and not a position 2 farmer.

5:40 onwards: He thinks that durability is what scales into lategame???? wtf, no.

he suggests CK is a good hero for low mmr .... he really isn't. Very slow farmer and has severe mana issues which low mmr players make worse by using spells badly.

I could go on and on about terrible advice that is given. I don't mean to bash the guy, but if you want to win you shouldn't listen to him.

There is a bit of good advice, but it's surrounded by mostly terrible advice.

3) He basically says nothing all video. He suggests some heroes (that are bad suggestions) and then says don't pick 5 cores. That's all he says.

4) He talks as if he is above the skill bracket, when he is very much in the middle of it and has no idea how to get out of it.

I started out at below 2k, and climbed all the way up to 6k, so I do know what low bracket dota is like.

/r/learndota2 Thread