Getting Things Done

Same exact situation on the door knocking. *She opens door "Hey, could you knock next time?" *Knocks and opens door within 0.1 seconds "There's no point in knocking if you're going to open the door DIRECTLY after knocking" *She eventually leaves and leaves the door wide open. Rude as fuck.

I honestly don't know how you deal with all that. I simply ignore everyone and talk as little as possible so it minimizes conflict. Because SATAN FORBID someone feels offended by my 'insensitivity', when it's really just stating the facts.

If I'm being completely honest; I feel the only solution to it is to cut the people who cause unending stress in your life out.

Even though I have to deal with other people's irrationality on a daily basis; it doesn't stop me from being productive. I do software development & online marketing. The next two years will be solely dedicated to making enough money to move out by 18. (I already make a decent amount, just that I need to expand it.)

/r/INTP Thread