Has getting treated for sleep apnea helped you lose weight?

I somewhat agree. Start going for nice long walks and do some body weight exercises....

Obviously have a caloric deficit etc...

The issue with lifting hard and heavy with sleep apnea is that untreated you have a ton of inflammation and heavy weight lifting will make that worse, you will also need more recovery and this willl all make untreated sleep apnea worse.... the downward spiral continues as then you have high cortisol, lepton, ghrelin etc... you’re primed to store fat basically all day...

Sleep apnea makes many people fat, hence why they can’t even eat a normal caloric tdee and loose weight...

Caffeine will make this all worse if untreated as well...

You will have 200% more success if treat first....sleep is the most important part.

I’ve beat my body with cutting drugs personally before, but I don’t suggest that at all as the rebound effects are twice as bad with sleep apnea and you’re pretty much back to square one.

/r/SleepApnea Thread