Gf (20F) tells me (22M) she might end her life if we break up

Ya its holding someone emotionally hostage and hijacking AF. It’s probably true she has mental illness, but not an excuse to project that onto others as a form of manipulation!!! Maybe she does believe she will b suicidal if you break up but why does she think that’s your responsibility?? And then to threaten you??

Honestly as someone who’s been suicidal, and kno others who have attempted too- if someone’s genuinely close to doing it, they -usually-don’t throw those phrases around, they keep it internal and secret bc of the shame and self loathing. That’s why people always end up being shocked of suicides. They may tell ppl in desperation how low they’re feeling but don’t usually say stuff like “I will kill myself if you don’t do what I say” then actually do it.

But I do know people who threaten it constantly to control people, full of self pity, and never act on it. They want rescued and validation but there are other ways to get validation than that...Not saying it’s a guarantee but...either way OP is not in charge of the responsibility. Period!!!!

It creates such a fear that anything u do wrong could cause one to kill themselves, then it’s path to being a self sacrificing codependent people pleaser. End of the day no one can control that in someone else. You could do everything someone says they need, and them still be suicidal, if they’re actually suicidal to begin with -nothing but serious professional help will assist with that. She needs to get mental help.

People in that mental space of “just to spite them I’ll kill myself”, are a nightmare to detach and break up with but , gotta protect yourself. She will probably cling onto someone else quick and do the same to them if she doesn’t get emo.

/r/relationship_advice Thread