Ghost in the Shell - Shelling Sequence Clip

The plot/storyline has me a bit worried though. They also said they were just trying to take things that "looked cool" from random anime films and tv episodes of the franchise and jamming them together, and had "no time" to tell any of the famous GiTS -storylines like The Puppeteer, Laughing Man, Individual 11 etc. They weren't even going to have a Section 9 in it but now they seem to be. I'm still wondering why The Major is called a "policewoman" in the trailers, since she's a government internal affairs commander/part of a domestic (japanese) anti-terrorism unit specializing in cybercrimes like someone blackmailing an important political figure online. It seems they are making it waaayyy to generic of a cyberpunk plot, and just copying every other mainstream cyberpunk game or movie made after 2010 like Deus Ex Human Revolution. The government (according to the trailers) is in a conspiracy and her amnesia/loss of her original body has something to do with that. That's literally Deus Ex HR! GiTS was always better than that and focused on showing the world in a less cynical way.

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