Ghostbusters 2016 director Paul Feig joins Leslie Jones pity party

Wasn’t popular. Wasn’t well-reviewed. Wasn’t profitable enough. Didn’t become a campy cult classic or an art house rewatchable. The hate from the retarded nerds who pretend ghostbusters was a complex layered universe is irrelevant. You missed the mark with the target audience: preteen girls. If you wanna make a movie for girls, just make a movie for girls. It’s weird to say hey girls you see that cool shit dudes do, well here’s the chick version. They’re not stupid. They know when they’re being sold a knockoff. It’s like going up to some preteen boy these days and saying hey kiddo you know that The Craft movie your mom, aunts and sister all grew up watching on endless repeat, wouldn’t it be cool if they created a dude version of The Craft? The kid would say fuck off faggot, that sounds terrible.

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