gift exchange disappointment

It feels like my exchanges always suck for me. I always wonder why I keep doing them. I keep saying that this time will be different, and try to be positive... but it always falls through.

One year I got my person a guitar, a moca pot, and a T-shirt... she loved them all and it made me so so happy that she was happy. Then my gifter messaged me and was all stoked for my gift. It arrived 2 weeks after I was supposed to post about it... and it was a bunch of bike stuff. I don't even know how to ride a bike. I think the person may have somehow creeped the wrong person... she even messaged me about a comment I had made that I definitely didn't make... I felt so bad, but it was a gift that really really was not for me. I felt frustrated for both of us, and was obviously dissatisfied because I would never use or like any of the stuff anyways. I told myself I wouldn't do this ever again because all I seem to get is disappointment.

This time I thought... pen exchange how bad can it be? I love pens and it's so specific it's hard to get it wrong. I cannot be disappointed. I spent about 2-4 hours finding the right gift, messaged my person, and then went through my own collection of stuff and picked out some pieces of my own colouring books and postcards that I loved and wanted to share with them. The gift has been delivered for 2 weeks now... and I haven't seen or heard anything from them. I really really hope that they like everything and keep telling myself that they're probably traveling or something. But if they are, is the gift safe? I've put like 6 years of post card collecting into this gift. On top of that, according to redditgifts my gifter apparently hasn't sent me anything yet, and I am beginning to think that I should just stop.

/r/giftexchange Thread