"Gifted" students, what was it like growing up as "the smart kid"? Has it affected your adult life in any way?

I was in a lot of programs when I was younger that were almost like an alternative took school while still being in school where we would read college level books, poems, and other things like The Divine Comedy, and comics based on satire like The Boondocks, etc.

This program lasted from 6-9th grade then after that I felt literally no challenge in anything at school other than the higher level math courses which were not my strong suit. Despite I was in a lot of AP classes I just didn't get very good grades until my senior year where they changed the grading system from Homework based to Test based and I Aced every class.

Moving on into adult life, I was excited to go to college after highschool and then I found out my parents didn't save anything for me growing up and if I wanted to go to school I'd have to pay for it, as it turns out though there isn't any scholarships for people who went from C students to A in senior year and they don't care if you were doing college level material from middle school+. So it kind of locks me into a huge fear to commit to something, knowing myself if I don't find it challenging I won't care about our, and if I won't like it anyways I won't care about it. I really don't want a large sum of debt because I can't commit.

So now I just work a job with people I like, but who I know aren't very smart. Like my manager. He doesn't want to use a computer to log our deliveries (it's not a cooking books thing, I mean this at a timetable so we plan when things go out the door) so he does it all by hand, compared to you know, typing it. His reasoning is "Computers crash, paper dosent" and my reply to this was "Why not print it out?" He isn't even old, he is only 5 years older than me.

I'm general a lot of people just call me an encyclopedia. From school, to work, to my friends, family, girlfriend; all without knowing I've been called that before and it's not that it bothers me but it can be hard to make friends at work or through other friends when people introduce me as "This is SGDove, he's basically a walking encyclopedia." Yeah, cool, let me just also grab some Halloween store grade wings and you can just introduce me as a bird person. If people are going to think I'm weird and going to just bark information all the time I may as well just go all out and caw and coo at them, they'll be just as likely to talk to me again.

Yeah, that's pretty much my adult life.

/r/AskReddit Thread