A girl [18F] I [18M] like seems to have stopped liking me after what felt like a great night together

yeah we were pretty intimate. she's a pretty shy person so i had to make most moves, i was the one to start cuddling, i initiated the first kiss etc. nothing more happened though, her friend was sleeping in the same room so i dont really know :/ well, she told me she wanted me to come around 00:30 am so i got there around 1 am and we just started watching the movie on the couch with her friend, had my arm around her and she was leaning on me. she is a pretty shy person so she doesnt really initiate conversation in the beginning so i tried to do that. make jokes etc. the we went to bed and thats when all the cuddling and kissing etc started. then she felll asleep with her arms around me. when we woke up nothing more really happened cause we all just went up and got coffee at the same time

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