Do you think this girl (23/f) that I have known for a little over a month has feelings for me (25/m)?

I don't know what you are expecting to get from this post. Are you seeking support? It doesn't seem like you're venting...

Asking if a girl likes you isn't really about recovery or BPD. However if you were to refraise the question, and ask "what could I do different in this conversation?" Or something like that, maybe that would be more appropriate.

Because let's be real here. Straight up asking a girl for a BJ when she's obviously not comfortable with you is just not appropriate social behavior, and beyond that, it's actually sexual harassment.

I know those last two words have heavy weight now a days but I'm not saying your a bad person or condemning you for your actions. I understand people make mistakes and there are a lot of reasons/vulnerability factors that may have played into why you said what you did. So I'm not blaming you.

However I am telling you what you said was wrong, and you may want to rethink your actions/wording going forward. Maybe apologize?

/r/BPD Thread