Has a girl ever reacted poorly to you rejecting her? If so, what happened?

She tried to rape me. I was 140lbs and she was easily double my weight. Cornered me against a wall, I literally had to duck under the table and crawl away. Proceeded to call me gay. Imagine a 26 year old grown ass man having to crawl under a table to get away from getting sexually assaulted. It's like something straight out of a black and white chaplin/3 stooges movie. Also had my step mom and cousin propose a 3sum and shammed/shunned me after i rejected them and asked me why i hate women so much. I got so many more stories but these are the most recent and had the biggest impact on me. I just gave up on myself image to avoid this shit from happening... stopped shaving or getting my haircut stopped working out and going out, gained 40 lbs and now i look like like a troglodyte. Can't get sexualized if i'm unbearable to look at.

/r/AskMen Thread