A girl from my high school that I've never talked to decided to give me some very valuable secrets this morning

And like, what does retire at 27 even mean? Full disclosure, I don’t actually need to work thanks to the hard work of my parents that has provided me with lifelong investment income. With that being said, at 34 now, I can’t even imagine just not doing anything. I have my own real estate media business and love doing what I do. I don’t want to retire. The idea of just bumming around seems miserable. I’ve had MLM people try to rope me in with the whole retire in 2-4 years thing and I’m always like “I don’t want to retire in 2-4 years.” That confuses them. Like if they are so passionate about this and it’s so awesome, why do they want so badly to retire from it in a few years?

/r/antiMLM Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it