A girl and her friends checks out the body of her dead sister

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The price for "Picture of the year" in the Danish media went to Politiken photographer Martin Lehmann.

"The photograph exudes joy, not death pessimism, here is life curiosity facing death, and we are presented with a ening in something as meaningless as a five year old girl dead.

It is an image that people of all ages will be able to see and understand, and it teaches us something about death that we can use. Therefore, it becomes so life-affirming, "the jury said.

Half a heart Lehmann known Roses parents, Birgitte and Jacob Vestergaard, from before. They knew even before she was born in August 2008 that she had only half a heart and that she may not even want to live one week. Therefore they asked him to photograph her after birth, so they at least had one good picture of her.

The well-known and award-winning photographer pressure continued to photograph Rose after doctors decided to operate her heart.

After two successful operations expecting the last, which was completed just before she turned three years. That was when something went wrong and she suffered brain damage.

Rose died on 14 April 2014, five and a half years old.

Photographer: People are dying, and we shall dare to look at In an interview with Politiken he tells the story behind the photo.

Rose died in hospital. But parents decided to take her home because they villle take proper goodbye to her.

Pictured standing sister Lara and some friends and look at Rose.

  • At some point, and in the most natural way, leaning Lara over her and lifted her eyelids to see how it looks there. The curiosity is amazing. We humans put so many bands on ourselves, especially when we become adults, says Lehmann.

He thought it was so interesting to see this immediacy, where the girl would investigate to understand.

  • It was on the family's terms. It was on our premises, on our premises. People are dying, and we shall dare to look at.
/r/WTF Thread Link - i.imgur.com