Girl, you literally never talk about anything else, what is there to say that you haven’t already said 1000 times?

It’s literally a tool to give her a struggle edge. “My jooourney” is a little virtue signal - she’s done something very challenging and hard on her fleshly instincts and so she’s here to share and encourage us all as we face this hard time to withdraw from the worlds standards.

What’s funny to me is the delusional irony. “We don’t want to dress the way men of the world want us....just the way the men of the church want us to....” At the end of the day your personal value is hinged on male acceptance vs finding peace within yourself to not look ANY particular way. Not sexy, or wifely. Just normal. It’s too much skill to be that confident though, and so, books and journals need to be written as these women wade through the existential crisis that is their feminine spirit being molded by the hands of a dickly urges.

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