Girl on my snapchat spins 9/11 memorial as an attack on Muslims.

man i honestly don't even know where to start you're just so ignorant. A) who is pandering to them exactly? provide examples

B) they are fighting them. unfortunately when the terrorists live next door you're also risking your entire family being slaughtered and put up on r/watchpeopledie

C) most of our intel comes from civilians who report these groups in their countries and in ours. most terror attacks on american soil were carried out by people who were already in the government systems for being reported by civilians and family members.

D) with how much destruction and chaos we've caused in their country they're totally in the right to celebrate our deaths. the ratio of innocent civilians killed on each side is far out weighed. we are directly and purposely slaughtering hundreds of people at once for zero reason. obviously extremists are going to be happy when the country that killed their family finally got some justice back although extremely uncommon. the exact same way that people in america celebrate terrorists deaths.

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