This girl I was out with just put my penis in her mouth. What do I do next? Should I log off Reddit now? Please help.

Thank you all for the helpful replies. Where would I be without all you wonderful people? It was quite the evening for me and I'm still quite shaken up so please excuse the long, convoluted post.

I got quite distracted there so had to leave reddit and just act on instinct. My penis started to feel like it was going to explode so I started to panic. I'm not entirely sure why but I removed my penis from her mouth and proceeded to slap it across her face a few times. This felt good so actually went on for a while.

I felt an intense mix of joy and fear, which in turn caused me to shake and cry uncontrollably whilst calling out for my mother at the top of my voice. At this point of course my natural reaction was to reach out for my laptop and attempt to log back into reddit to find out what I should do.

I failed at this, however, and instead just flung my arms about wildly. This continued for roughly 7 minutes. Exhausted and with my penis on the brink of explosion, I pulled it out of her mouth and projected my white fluid up her nose, in her eyeballs, just everywhere. All the while I was still screaming uncontrollably with her dripping face at the end a crazed mix of confusion and joy.

After that all I remember is lying on the floor with her saying something about me being "kinky" but she's cool with that and we should hook up again sometime.

I didn't know what to do then so I ran out and locked myself in the bathroom until she left. I just wish I was able to go on reddit so I could have taken the advice you have all taken the time to provide. Thank you all. I was so shaken up by this experience that I've only just returned to my bedroom, which is a total mess. Would probably do it again though. 8/10.

/r/shittyadvice Thread