This girl thinks only she can have preferences....

That's the problem with just about all insults now. They get overused to the point where they mean nothing anymore. Basic, Douchebag, Narcissist, Snowflake, Karen eventually become a catch-all to describe someone we don't like. Overuse of words is symptomatic of a limited active vocabulary so pervasive in our culture.

Shakespeare ("I do desire we may be better strangers."), Procopius ("her regret is that she only had three holes to pleasure.") amongst others had such brutal ways to insult people and its become a lost art. Even Churchill was absolutely savage.

It's rare, but we can still find excellent stretching of the English language in the most vile and beautiful of ways. "Hillary's Downfall" in 2008 when she lost the primary to Obama is a great example.

I know it won't happen, but one can wish we can bring back really original use of the English language, even in insults.

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