Girl who went to HS with me.

I just wanted to say I was pro choice until 3 years ago. It was something that didn't seem like it would ever effect us. Its their choice not ours.

But then it did. The laws make it so that the fetus is not looked at as a person, even from a medical standpoint.

My wife went into the E.R. for pneumonia and was 28 weeks pregnant. My son was moving but is wasnt as much. We were there for 4 hours and this whole time she was getting kicked about every 10 minutes and I asked 10 different times for the baby to get checked. At 5am they told us my wife should be fine and that they were discharging us and to go home. At 8am were we back because of intense pain, she had a concealed abruption, it had been happening slowly throughout the night. He would've had a 75% chance of survival had they simple done an ultrasound, caught it and done an emergency c-section. But be ause of the way the abortion laws are right now the law looks at as no harm was done to a person, so the hospital cannot be held responsible even the it was negligent medical care the law says they did nothing wrong.

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