Girlfriend [22f] lies/being secretive about messaging her ex

We talked about it, and I'm a complete fucking idiot. She didn't change her pass a second time I just forgot it. We went through the messages together including the new ones he sent her tonight. There was nothing bad only good stuff. And this was immediately after the lock on her phone expired so she couldn't have deleted anything before I seen it. There was even stuff about our sex life being better. She said that if her ex had found out that she was texting one of her exes then he would have lost his shit and it just felt weird to her, but going forward she said she will be honest with me and said if I ever wanna see messages between the two all I have to do is ask. I explained why I did what I did and she said she understood and she apologized. I apologized as well and she completely gained my trust back. She was hurt but she forgave me.

I feel like if she didn't want to be with me she wouldn't have forgave me and just left. Instead she gave me what I wanted and we talked about the issues. I understand I shouldn't have tried to go through her phone and instead should have just said "hey this is bothering me can we talk about it?" and she realized that I need honesty and transparency when it comes to him.

This isn't how I expected things to turn out but I feel like this is best case scenario. We are still together and hopefully will be for a long time.

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