Girlfriend (25F) broke up with me (25M). Constant miscommunications. Should i push or accept?

I notice 2 major things here.

  1. From her end, she is trying to control you. She wants you to be something she perceives and she'll only disappoint herself with that mindset.
  2. On your end? You aren't wrong but you still are wrong. Why do I say this? It's because girlfriends typically have no sense of logic behind their wants and needs. You not caring about the relationship? That's fine, but women want that feeling that you will fight for them even if you never feel jealousy. Hide things from her? I wouldn't say you do it out of spite. Seems more like a nitpick, just a lesson learned that you should probably open up a bit more. I can't argue the time spent. If YOU know by heart that you spent plenty of time with her then that's on her. For her to think she is the center of attention 24/7 is going to be a rude awakening for her.
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