Girlfriend (25F) constantly says that I (28M) am not Irish.

We have very similar backgrounds, except I'm Scottish instead of Irish. I was friends with someone who treated me this way, even though I look so similar to the Scottish parent and their family, the former friend would always say I was lying about my accent or heritage etc. because my name is Arabic and I'm not "pure white."

Anyway, one day it got to be too much and I ditched her. You should also ditch your girlfriend. She is racist, disrespectful, and seems to want to make you look like an ass in front of others. She is also shitting all over your music skills and hobbies, and if you stay with her that's going to erode your self-confidence. She wants you to say you're not really Irish, and then she'll hold that over you forever and feel like she has an "exotic" boyfriend. Habibi seriously, there are better women out there and this one is emotionally abusive and racist. From one euro-arab to another, put her fl izbala.

/r/relationship_advice Thread