Girlfriend going to visit her best male friend who she’s slept with in the past

Here’s something I’ve learned the hard way,

Better to just let it go and not think about it. Jealousy is a weird emotion and sometimes it’s warranted, many times it’s not. Without any substantial proof of her cheating, if you want to maintain your relationship, then your better off erring on the side of trust.

Unless you want to ruin the relationship (which you may have already done), you gotta just trust her. If you can’t trust her, better to leave her, cause your both doing each other a disservice.

You have to also ask yourself, are you okay with being with someone who knows you don’t like the idea of something but then still proceeds to do it anyways?

It’s a tough call. Seems like bullshit to me to be honest though. Who the fuck needs to see their “friend” in another state so bad while a pandemic is raging throughout the country? Shit is just stupid, besides the point of the relationship. She might bring covid back to your ass.

/r/relationship_advice Thread