Girls Are So Confusing. I Hate My Life.

We sit at opposite ends of the room. The only time I see her all day is the one minute we stand up before the bell rings to be dismissed. The eye contact thing could be bs. I know that when I like a girl I avoid eye contact with her, but look at her through my peripheral vision. I just thought that maybe because she's an extroverted girl, she would have no problem looking at me. I wouldn't get bothered if she looks at me. The whole reason I started liking her was because I thought she was looking at me. The whole time I avoided eye contact with her which may have made her feel like I'm not interested. That's why I decided to try to meet her gaze this way I could read her body language. She looks very confident, and doesn't seem like she would be bothered if I looked into her gaze. But who knows. Maybe it's all in my imagination. Making up these fake interests in my head has occurred so much for me that I don't know anymore. I think I'm just gonna wait things out and see. Maybe I'll just get over it. I feel like she might be interested in another guy anyway. Extroverted party girls don't want introverted shy guys like me anyway. It would never work out even if I had the balls to ask her to hangout. Thanks for all your help :)

/r/depression Thread