Girls are more comfortable being naked around each other because they don't have to worry about getting an accidental erection and making things awkward.

There was a girl in my class who masturbated through her skirt pocket. We wore uniforms and the skirts looked like this with a pocket on the right side.

On the first day of secondary school (13 years old), I sat next to her in class and she introduced herself to me. I told her my name and shook her hand with a smile. Then I turned my attention to the teacher.

A little while later, I realised that she would 'stiffen' up from time to time. Her feet would come off the floor and she'd stick her legs out straight for a couple of seconds. Then she'd relax and go back to writing. Keep in mind, I was looking ahead and this was going on in the corner of my eye.

Now, here is a little background. I went to an all girls primary school. Spending all that time around girls made me a very boy-crazy. Like any typical teenage consumer of boybands and teen rom-coms, I really really wanted to know how to kiss and make out with boys like in the movies. So I turned to the internet when I was 12 and uh....ended up looking at porn. Then I found my asshole cousins porn stash and proceeded to watch all the DVDs before throwing them away (fucker turned his room upside down looking for them). Needless to say, I knew a lot about sex (in theory) and had masturbated quite a few times at that point. I had done the 'stiffening' up thing myself several times.

Around the 3 or 4th time she 'stiffened' up, I realised that she could be masturbating. I was freaking out. How could a person do this so openly!! I didn't dare turn my head and look. At first. I really wanted to make sure if she was doing what she thought I was doing, so when she put her pen down and put her hands below the table, I turned my head. Yup, there she was, going at it. She basically put her right hand into her pocket like this and since it was a pretty deep pocket, she could....navigate to her genitals and do the deed.

She never stopped doing it. She was very very strange. Guys reading this might think it is hot but trust me, it is very unsettling. The boys in my class were grossed out and would refuse to sit next to her.

/r/Showerthoughts Thread