Girls, beware of your internet safety if you're active on this site

Will delete this comment.

I got talking to some guy and we connected really well and we ended up liking each other. This is very rare for me so it says something.

After months, his lies came out and he confessed to have used things of my own post history (years worth of posts where I wore my heart on my sleeve) to be somebody I would like (pretend he shared some hobbies values and beliefs etc.) It was the biggest slap in the face and incredibly hurtful. I felt so manipulated and deceived. I remember when he sent that my first instinct was to say "stop" as I truly didn't want to hear it and could not believe someone could do something so fucked up and I also couldn't believe I fell for it. I thought I was "smart" and had a pretty good BS detector but this experience really grounded me. I'm okay now and this experience wasn't even the only reason to make this post. I came across an account of a girl who lives in my country. Her post history showed that if I knew her, I would DEFINITELY have recognized her. It was very specific in a way and I almost wanted to message her about it but I decided not to.

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