Girls Fight With Their Butts And Boobs In This Wretched/Deplorable New Anime - Kotaku

These seem like issues which are relevant to a decision to watch it or not, but irrelevant to whether from a feminist perspective it is artistically or politically bad. (You can, of course, enjoy something while being aware of its problematic aspects.)

What do you mean by artistically bad? If one wants to figure out if an anime is artistically good or bad, wouldn't animation quality and the personality of characters quality be a big part of that?

For politically bad, I understand why one would think that the concept of this anime is so bad that no amount of character quality can undo the harm and get it above neutral. But IMO, even in a show like this the personality of the characters does still have a big effect on what message the anime is sending to viewers about what women are like, or can be like. No matter how bad one thinks this show is politically, I'm sure a similar show where the women had no discernible personalities would be even worse politically, sending even worse ideas about women to the viewer.

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