Girls, please stop daring each other to tell a guy that you like them. When it turns out that you don’t it really destroys our self esteem.

As someone who’s too old to be on this sub but stumbled across this thread in r/all, that blows man. I’ve never personally experienced that but I can empathize with you. The replies from other kids in this thread are honestly heartbreaking.

Don’t let it get to you. It gets better and that’s not something I’m just saying to make you feel better. Kids can be really mean. But the thing is, most people grow out of it faster than you think.

The world’s a lot bigger than your high school and it takes some time to realize that but after everyone graduates and they’re thrown into the world, basic human decency becomes a lot more common than childish antics. We’re all in this fucked up world together so we might as well treat each other half decent.

This shit’s gonna sting for a bit and it’ll be tough to grow out of that mindset but as long as you realize that you deserve better than this (and I swear to fucking god you do deserve better than this), in a couple years this will be a bad memory that makes you glad you’re not in school anymore.

There will still be shitty people, that’s just a part of life. But you’ll realize that your self worth isn’t determined by some assholes in high school.

Sorry for the rant but every word of it is true. Keep your chin up.

/r/teenagers Thread